Thursday, March 22, 2012

a thoughtful gift

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should anyone ask, "Coffee, tea or me?", i think i may just incline towards tea that tad bit more! i do have a penchant for tea, but it does have its side effects on me :(  imagine my surprise when i found this on my table on valentine's day! it is indeed a very very lovely gift, especially for a tea-lover :)


p.s. name is blurred out to protect identity...
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there was a huge variety of fabulous tea in this little white bag, together with the yummylicious marshmallow chocolate cookies from marks and spencers!  just taking a sniff of them is somewhat enough :) i was particularly intrigued by the delicate sugar snowflakes in the winter berry tea. sooooo sweet!



this is a wonderful gift idea for a girl-friend or a sister :) thank u so much R :) :) going to tuck into the goodies soon!

i've been incredibly blessed by the craftiness of the people around me, this year especially.  a hand-made frame, a hand-stitched phone cover, a beautiful set-up with tissue flowers and photos, an elaborate album detailing memories of our childhood. etc etc etc. so, so touched by all these gestures of love. recounting all these help me not take them for granted. from all these, im convinced of two things:

1) everyone can be crafty, really! i do hope to share the craftiness of others on this blog :)

2) i must strive harder to be even more of a blessing to the people around me.


pp said...

i guess its your craftly-ness that rubs onto us in the first place, at least for me:) thank God for the wonderful gift of your hands!

Flowers said...

Awww these are so sweet! Perfect for a tea lover which I most definitely am :) I also know quite a few too! :D