Monday, December 15, 2008
flower*in the wilderness
i believe this is God's will. Lord, if it is not at any point of time, please prevent me from going forward!
Friday, October 17, 2008
bourbon petit ebi~
this is my new favourite biscuit! PP boht them for me when we were at Central. it's $2 a pack & u can finish it all in one sitting ;)
not too salty, but tasty and light enough for my liking. get them at this store called "yamakawa". it sells many more other yummy japanese goodies!
Taking the SBS & the MRT
MRT means: Train in Singapore
Today was a long time in a while that i took the public transport. although the weather was hot, humid and i was not feeling too well, i saw two nice things..
1. An lone elderly old man, who in spite of his wrinkles and aviator (i.e. old fashioned) spectacles, was distinguished and spoke perfect english. He wore khaki pants a collared tshirt, and on brown sports jacket. His hair was neatly combed. What caught my attention?
He made the effort to talk to everyone who sat next to him.
Throughout my 40 min train ride, the people who sat next to him received warm smiles and little questions. It's interesting to see how they respond. Some just give him weird looks. but the ones that are open are the ones who really had a good conversation with him, and probably could alight the train feeling like someone made their day.
It's sad how aloof Singaporeans can sometimes be, carried away with their own busyness to even smile to someone who stands beside. it jus takes a smile, doesn't it? :)
2. I saw this:
and many other noble mummies who, in the sweltering heat, carry their loved young ones, on top of bags of groceries and what-looked-like-a-lot-of-things..
very sweet~
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
clay earrings
just to share a little bit on my past, I used to be very much into polymer clay! here are some of my humble works :) check out more on my flickr.

I do miss having the time to come up with all these lovely little things! *deep breath* when my holidays starts….. *deep breath* im going to start hyperventilating from the excitement! I cant wait!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
fabric buttons

AND SO....
imagine my happiness when i saw this!!! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008