Wednesday, March 13, 2013

a new day


how often do we wake up each day feeling joyful, purposing in our hearts to rejoice because God has given us a new day? 

i confess, being nothing like a morning person, i wake up each morning probably "mournfully" and groggy as i drag my feet to wash up and begin a new day. 

with the coming of baby E, i have been forced to become otherwise! it seems like my boy is a morning early-bird, who blabbers and chatters away as he lies next to his sleepy mama. this morning, as i talked to him, i was thinking of what song i should sing to him and this song came to mind. every day that the Lord gives to us is precious and we ought to rejoice in it, and strive to live abundantly :) i am also especially thankful for each new day that God gives to Ezra, but it is not of our own efforts that he is sustained. 

God does not just give us a new day for us to trudge through, or barely survive it. neither does he give it to us to wear us out. With every new day He provides, He also gives the strength and grace, just sufficient and enough for what we need. may we press on, to live each day for him, rejoicing and being glad in it!

1 comment:

pp said...

amen. and to add on, our God does not only see us through today, He is the One who holds tomorrow.

"many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand...but I know who holds tomorrow and I know He holds my hand"

what a precious thought and thanks for the wonderful sharing!