Sunday, May 12, 2013

tots on parenting #4 - I'm blessed to be a mother

I'm blessed to be a mother because


E was not my choice, but a gift from God


E was not part of my plan, but given in God's perfect timing


I get to work with PP, who has given so much as a husband and a father


we get to grow together in mutual understanding as we take care of E


the trials (unexpected and soooooo difficult at times) teach us what it means to trust in God


people rally around us and support us as we grow in this journey of parenthood


I get to see my boy grow in amazing ways (physically, mentally and hopefully soon- spiritually)


it has been a sanctifying process with countless lessons learnt


I am taught to give and sacrifice in ways unimaginable


I am in greater awe of my mother because I see what she has done


I am mother of a beautiful, adorable, most-of-the-time cheery little boy


Photo 17

1 comment:

pp said...

truly a 'mother's gentle love' nothing can replace for a child, not even father's.

thank God for calling u to this high call,and thank u for labouring with me to take care of this our little boy:)

blessed mama's day!