Monday, June 03, 2013

5 months

my dear baby, 

this month has passed in a blur and we are sooo sleep-deprived. what is going through this little mind of yours, that causes you to wake up ever so frequently when you used to be a sound sleeper? we do wonder, and at times, despair... but thank God that day by day and with each passing moment, strength we find to meet our trials here :) 

on a happy note, perhaps it's because you really are growing. suddenly, you seem so engaged and active, so easily excited and acutely aware of your surroundings. mama has become a familiar face to you, such that you don't want her out of your sight (especially when you are feeling cranky). you are chattering and blabbering, to people, soft toys, lights and fans. your legs, the moment you awake, are on non-stop action. kick kick kick! 

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as we look back on this month, i think the biggest thanksgiving is how God has seen mama and papa through, for it has not been an easy month. papa has been especially busy at work, and sometimes, returning to find you asleep. mama has been "forced", or "trained" (by God) to learn to be independent in taking care of you. and she has made some milestones! walking to the nearby food centre is a breeze now, after we have taken the mrt and taxi :) mama has even taken you for a drive in the car..... which sometimes you take to while other times.....hmmm.... let's just say you missed mama too much ;)

you also have a few "firsts" :) first time you rolled intentionally from front to back, first haircut, first two nights away from home during the yaf retreat :) 

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your personality is emerging. you have fussy peculiarities and when not given your way, will make your displeasure known. for example, you seem to dislike wearing clothes?! sometimes, we are confounded as to when we ought to scold you or discipline you. may God give us the wisdom to do so :) without anyone teaching you, you learn to get angry, throw tantrums, and make your desires known. why? its our sin nature. ( For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Rom 3:23) how we pray that one day you will quickly come to know our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the only one who can deliver us from the bondage of sin. 

nevertheless, my dear, we love you more than ever. you have brought so many smiles to our faces and God has used you to teach us so much. we can't quite imagine life without you anymore :)

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pp said...

Proverbs 1:8 "My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:"

As your senses become so acute, we pray that you will be able to truly hear the instructions of mama and papa. We pray that we will always speak only words that God wants us to, for we need God's help!

Thank God for seeing us through so much this month, thank Him especially for He is a good God who does not change.

What a blessing to recall the work of God in such a manner. Thank you for sharing your thoughts dear! :)

Blake said...

Great reaad thank you