Thursday, August 28, 2014

i never thought i would regress to this state!

The day has finally arrived. 

I remembered that I had not taken a single bath for the day, only when its past midnight and I was about to wash up and turn in for the night. 


I did manage to cook and prepare his meals. We also played with his mega bloks, and built the tallest tower for the little monkey to climb. I fed him his meals, and in order to distract him (so I can get food in his mouth), struck up several conversations about what he did yesterday, what he saw and what he played with. I managed to complete the dishes (trust me, easier said then done), and sort out his overflowing wardrobe. He had a good solid nap without waking, then awoke with a smile and received some cuddles from me.

We went to the nearby market and then, to the playground, where he pointed out several millipedes, and bravely climbed through two holes in the playgrounds which he was reluctant to do so previously. The boy took initiative, and said himself that he wanted to "read a book"!! He chose three (In his own words - "many!!") books, one of which was about jonah. I managed to convert a "chore" into "fun" by asking him to give his toy animal figurines a bath. 

All through the day, there were tantrums and tears, but by God's enabling, I did not just let it go (even though its easier to do that!) but pursued, reprimanded and caned. He tickled my belly button, and squealed in delight when I screamed and giggled. He raced to me in fear when the airplanes took off (he has never been afraid till recently :/). he came to me wailing and complaining when he hurt his hand/head/toes/elbow... but grinned and was ok with a pat and a kiss. 

We played with toy vegetables, and fed his teddy bear, stuffed dogs and penguins. He picked up the word "pepper". We prayed many times, thanking God and seeking to obey Him, also for papa's safety and for loved ones. We ended the day memorising God's word and with a prayer too. Finally, I sat next to his bed while he tossed and turned and put himself to sleep, with a hope that he might sleep through the night again. (Yes he has done so for 2 nights!! Goodbye to sleep regression???)                         

when i recall times like this, and wholeheartedly spend my time with him, dedicating full attention to play with him and talk to him, i notice how happy he really is to have my company. if one day can help him pick up a few new words, receive admonishment and have so many hugs and giggles exchanged, i guess my role as a SAHM is not as mundane, hectic and dreary as i sometimes tend to think it is. 

I cant believe all these happened in one day, but it did. And because of all these, its ok that I may or may not have bathed for the day.



auntie said...

Wish there was a "like" button.
Jia you ah ma!! :))

pp said...

who can know of a mother's sacrifice and love. immeasurable.

may both father and son see and learn from these.